Monday, March 30, 2020

Warm Up Activities For College Tutoring

Warm Up Activities For College TutoringTutoring students in a college environment demands several warm up activities to prepare them for the learning environment. Having a plan before you start teaching will ensure you provide a superior level of tutoring to your students. Several warm up activities for college tutoring can be prepared at home or by utilizing the resources provided by your program.Create a warm up routine for the student before teaching begins. Begin by asking the student what type of material he had learned the previous week. Identify areas of expertise or interest and include these in the class, although do not overdo it. It is important to focus on what the student is really interested in and avoid repeating old material.Instruct the student in discussion questions and handouts. Once the student has a grasp of the topics covered in the course, they will be able to recognize written assignments and other work. Class discussions should be structured to enable the st udent to ask pertinent questions and gain knowledge. The interaction between teacher and student is vital for developing an interest in a particular topic or activity.Warm up activities for college tutoring also include giving the student a place to get organized. This can be done by scheduling an afternoon or evening class to meet. Each student will be assigned a desk and a place to sit, where their laptops can be plugged in. The student can also put together a notebook or computer bag to organize their materials. Using available computer programs such as 'Office'Skype' will make this easy.By using place cards or place mats at various places in the room, the students work will be more uniform and easier to follow. Place cards and mats can be prepared at home or with the assistance of the program. An appropriate schedule should be set which should include lunch and the time to have breaks. Gather supplies on break time and arrange to meet in the afternoons.Take the student's attenti on off the material you are teaching and allow them to spend time with the group. This is critical to building their confidence as they begin to take responsibility for their learning. In addition, if the teacher has not been teaching at least four weeks prior to the date of the class, allowing the students to learn independently will benefit both the student and the program. This will teach the student how to read, write, and navigate an Internet browser.Participate in office hours and allow the students to call you, when possible. To make this possible, set up a personal cell phone number for the student. Students should call you if they have any questions, even if they believe they have asked it before.In addition, ensure that all of the materials are current and check the list of classes regularly to ensure they are well rounded. Give the students adequate time to explore topics they are not familiar with, and allow a short break for every hour spent teaching. It is important to address any questions, clarify or update the material on a daily basis and the student should feel completely comfortable and capable in the classroom.

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